Review: Des Grottes ‘L’Antidote’
Using gamay grapes and a blend of botanicals Des Grottes has created an interesting take on the Non-Alcoholic option. The grapes are not fermented or subject to carbonic maceration as is the case with a lot of gamay and so the flavour profile of the grapes is just that, grapes.
Going the non-fermented route makes sense as the de-alcoholisation process is often more trouble than it is worth and makes it much harder to produce a wine-like approximation. In the case of L’Antidote, the lack of fermentation makes the product “off-dry” but is overwhelmingly so. In addition to the sweetness the scent of thyme is so powerful my first thought was of roast chicken and that image stayed with me.
With an adjustment to the sweetness, I feel this could be a real option for someone wanting a wine pairing, for now, though I think this is best mixed with soda water and lime to subdue the sugar and round out the palate. I believe there is even more potential in the hands of bartenders more talented than me and I like the general direction of the liquid.
7.0 Overall Score